End of Term Awards - Spring 2020/21
Ashton Award - EYFS
Fatiha (Pear) - She has made incredible progress since the start of Reception, is a great friend to others and puts 100% into everything she does.
Slade Award KS1 - Years 1, 2 & 3
Dhruv (Oak Y3) - He is always an exceptional role model of our Laurance Haines triangle values to his peers.
Lassman Award KS2 - Year 4, 5 & 6
Tabarak (Palm Y4)
Tabarak has an incredible attitude towards her learning. Throughout the year, including whilst working from home, she has listened carefully, always tried her best and is eager to hear feedback to improve and make progress. She displays a love of learning and an enthusiasm for discovering new things. She is a role model to others and is a joy to teach.
RWI Award
Ayaan (Elm Y1)
He has made brilliant progress in Read, Write inc. He has been learning the sounds and practising decoding and segmenting skills. As a result he moved up 4 RWI groups over lockdown.
Platt Reading Award
Charlie (Yes Y3)
Charlie has excelled through the book banks and is reading chapter books! He reads every single day and has such enthusiasm and passion for books, he is so inspiring to the rest of the class and encourages others to read more! Charlie has shown such resilience through difficult times and has used reading as a support for himself.
Maureen Leo Special Lunch Award
Saaiq (Elder Y1) and Runako (Yew Y3)
They are always polite to the kitchen staff when they are serving them. Every day their manners are amazing and Candi is so proud of them.
Ridyard Eco Award
Alexia (Palm Y4)
Alexia is really passionate about plastic waste, wants to make a difference and speaks extremely emotively to her class about it.
Jean Branning Wellbeing Award
Erin (Palm Y4)
Erin is such a caring, thoughtful pupil who always looks out for the well-being of others. She has a good understanding of feelings and how they may affect someone's behaviour , she listens to others with genuine empathy and is forever doing little acts of kindness around the classroom. She is a great friend and someone who can always be relied on to be honest, understanding and kind.