End of Term Awards

At the end of each term, children are nominated by staff for special awards to celebrate their achievements throughout the term.

  • Ashton Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child across the Early Years. 
  • Slade Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child from KS1 (Years 1, 2, 3) 
  • Lassman Award - Best performing, all-round, role model child from KS2 (Years 4, 5 or 6) 
  • RWI Award - A reading award for a child currently in the RWI programme
  • Platt Reading Award - A reading award for a child not in the RWI programme. 
  • Maureen Leo Kitchen Team Award - Children nominated by the kitchen team.
  • Ridyard Eco Award - An award for environmental awareness and excellence. 
  • Jean Branigan Wellbeing Award - A child who demonstrates they are able to look after their own wellbeing and also notice and help others to look after their mental, social and physical health. 

Click on the Year on the left to read about the awards received.

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