Autumn 2018


Stephen joined us at the start of the year, but has settled in and become a shining example of both behaviour and work ethic in the year group. He always tries his hardest in every single lesson, concentrating to ensure that he does his best. If he faces a challenging situation in class, he keeps working at it until he finds a solution.  As part of the football team, Stephen carries himself incredibly well in training. He is a natural leader in the team, and gives clear instructions to his team mates, all while performing in an outstanding manner in the team. - Mr Stephenson

Platt Reading Award

Adam is an avid reader. He has thoroughly enjoyed both a variety of texts that he has selected to read himself, and our WW2 themed class readers during this term. He has consistently offered his mature and thoughtful interpretations of the plot, and his own opinions on key characters during our class discussions. He is keen to connect the story to his prior knowledge and the world around him and always shares interesting predictions with the rest of the class. It is an absolute pleasure to share a story with Adam and his endless enthusiasm has inspired other children around him to read too. - Miss Macqueen

Ridyard Eco Award

Phoebe Woodroofe has shown that she is a diligent recycling monitor across the school. She has shown a good awareness of how to be environmentally friendly and gives up her own lunchtime to make sure that all the paper recycling boxes are emptied into the right place. She understands why recycling is importance and supports those around her with this. - Mrs Hall

Slade Award

Oyindamola is such a vibrant and effervescent member of Laurance Haines who has a great thirst for knowledge. She breathes life into our lessons by asking intriguing questions and sharing thought-provoking opinions with the class. Not only does she put a great deal of effort into her own work but she is also willing to support her peers with their learning. She constantly looks for ways to make progress and I have seen a huge improvement in the presentation of her books this year. Oyindamola displays such wonderful passion in so many areas of the curriculum. One of these is the arts, where Oyindamola shone during our dance unit this term. This is also true of Oyindmola in our ukulele lessons, where she confidently performs chords and songs taught. Oyindamola's passion does not end in the classroom; she is also extremely enthusiastic about the environment and ensuring that we take care of the planet. She leads important conversations about ecological issues, encouraging her peers to make a positive impact on the world! For all of these reasons and more, I believe that Oyindamola is a worthy recipient of The Slade Award. - Miss Tobie

Ashton Award

Eshal is always a role model to others. She is always offering to help her teacher and her friends. She consistently tries hard in everything she does and this has shown in the progress she has made. Eshal is a pleasure to teach and is a great friend to all her peers. Keep up the great work Eshal - you are a superstar! - Miss Campbell

Maureen Leo Special Lunch Award

Adam has settled well into the lunchtime service routine making us laugh every day by telling us what he is NOT having for dinner.

Carrie - for being polite and friendly to the kitchen team every single day, always saying please and thank you and always smiling - Allison and the Kitchen Team

RWI Award

Alexia has made great progress and is extremely enthusiastic and motivated to learn. In her own time she practises her sounds and has come on leaps and bounds. She is pleasure to teach and has great attitude to learning- Mrs Bygrave