Register of Business Interest

Governors along with staff members who regularly attend meetings of the governing body and  its committees must declare any business or personal interest that might influence any decision they may make especially in financial matters. Any governor with such an interest must declare it annually and notify the school of any changes that occur.

Where there is a conflict of interest the governor must withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the discussions or vote. The agenda of each meeting requires governors and non governors present to declare any interest they may have in any of the items to be discussed.

Governor Name Category of Governance Relationships within Governing Body and School Business Interests
Jo Ball Headteacher


Governor Community Governor for Great Gidding C of E Primary

Requested support by Assistant Director – School and Setting Improvement, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council
Michael Dobner Chair None None
Emily Fuller Co-opted Phase Leader at Beechfield School  
Olivia Gunner Staff (Teaching) Staff Member at Laurance Haines School None
Brett Hogan Parent

Parent at Laurance Haines School

Fiancé of a teacher at the school

Sinead Parmar Parent  Parent at Laurance Haines School None
Safina Shan Staff (Support) Staff Member at Laurance Haines School None
Denise Shaw Parent



Governors-in-post previously in the last 12 months

Governor Name Category of Governance Relationships within Governing Body and School Business Interests
Seb Gray Headteacher Headteacher None
Gillian Heath Co-opted None


Tanya Mortlock Co-opted  Assistant Headteacher at Beechfield School None
Dawn Allen-Williamson Co-opted None None